
Birthday Energy Healing | Birthday Reiki Healing

Original price was: $498.00.Current price is: $169.00.

Happy Birthday Reiki: Love and Good Vibes.

Unique Energy Healing for your birthday to maximize the potential of your birthday energies.

Birthdays are an ideal opportunity to set new intentions and dream big. We really believe in the power of manifestation and reflection.

Every year you are given a new birth and are given a freedom of choice on how to live your life; by default or by design; by becoming your own master, or by going through yet another year without making a little step toward your dreams, and aspirations.

Birthday is a day when a human being is overflown with positive energy and the Universe pours new ‘creative’ juices into a human body at all levels of its existence to reset your life and provide you as much guidance and support needed to start living a more wonderful and fulfilling life.



Unique Spiritual Practices for Your Birthday

 Birthday Reiki Healing – Happy Birthday Reiki: Love and Good Vibes


Birthday is a magical day in a human life. Each soul that comes to this earthly plane was longing for the gift of having a spiritual growth in a human body. Birthday is the day when the whole Universe was rejoicing, and all the forces of nature and the people around you were helping you to come and celebrate your life. A new life has been born! A new soul has visited the planet! A new being whose presence is very important to the essential evolution of life.

Each one of us is needed. The contribution of each one is very important to the well-being and healing of the Universe.

Every year you are given a new birth and are given a freedom of choice on how to live your life; by default or by design; by becoming your own master, or by going through yet another year without making a little step toward your dreams, and aspirations.

Birthday is a day when a human being is overflown with positive energy and the Universe pours new ‘creative’ juices into a human body at all levels of its existence to reset your life and provide you as much guidance and support needed to start living a more wonderful and fulfilling life.

It’s important to look at your birthday as a spiritual awakening to know ‘thyself’ better and serve others with the abilities, talents, skills, and qualities that you have.

It’s another opportunity to tell yourself that today is indeed a special day. A day where you stand from your highest and absolute best, and declare that the time has come to take a full responsibility for your life, to accept every challenge, setback, and hurdle as a means to fuel your growth, get out of your comfort zone, face your fears, with a fearless, loving and compassionate heart and ask yourself, “How can I better serve the planet for the remaining years of my life? What positive contributions can I make?”

“When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.” Tibetan proverb

It’s a more powerful and encouraging way of living your life rather that telling yourself that now you became one year older, and feel miserable.

Twelve days after your birthday are the most important days of the year. This is a kind of “point of reference” for the following year. In these twelve days, we have a real opportunity to create a beautiful and solid foundation and necessary programs of events and successes for the future that will lead to positive changes in our lives.

Each of these days corresponds to the month of the coming year.

It’s no secret that a few days before your birthday, many begin to feel nervous, often even depressed and have an inexplicable longing. And this does not happen at all from the fact that we are getting older, as is commonly believed.


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